We continue to follow the thoughts of our fellow bloggers about UKSC Blog.   First of all we must draw attention to an exciting new blog, “Human Rights in Ireland” which, among a number of thoughtful pieces, draws attention to our coverage of the JFS case.  We recommend this blog to all our Irish readers – and all those interested in human rights.

The US Concurring Opinions blog discusses the vacancy for the 12th Justice and what the author sees as the odd practice of the court sitting in various odd numbered combinations.

We are also mentioned on the interesting “GTMO Documents” blog, run by H Candace Gorman who introduces himself in this way:

I am a civil rights/human rights lawyer in Chicago who is representing two Guantánamo detainees pro bono. Having represented these two men for four years and with no end in sight I shut down my civil rights practice to focus solely on getting my two clients out of Guantanamo, closing Guantanamo and bringing those responsible for and assisting with these particular war crimes to justice.

The blog has a lot of information concerning cases which deal with the “war on terror” and related subjects.

UKSC Blog features in an entertaining piece about the UK Supreme Court entitled “SCOTUS Across the Pond: Introducting SCOTUK of the United Kingdom”, on a blog whose name tells you what it is for Ohio Practical Business Law Blog.

Finally, we draw attention to another interesting piece about the UK Supreme Court on the Publiekrecht en Politiek Blog, which (we think) is called “Churchill was also among the prophets”.  If your Dutch isn’t up to it you might like to try this version (passed through Google Translate) – you get the general idea.

Update:  A reader draws our attention to the fact that Edinburgh University’s Scots Law News blog has a link to UKSCBlog and some useful material on the Supreme Court from a Scots perspective – most recently a discussion of Sir Andrew Motion’s UKSC poem.

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