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Hearings in the Supreme Court are now shown live on the Court’s website.
On Monday 27 April 2015 the Court will hear the appeal of Bunge SA v Nidera BV concerning the construction of the GAFTA Prohibition Clause and Default Clause and, potentially, the application of The Golden Victory [2007] 2 AC 353 in calculating damages for anticipatory breach in sale of goods contracts between the appellant and the respondent. This will be heard in Court 2 from 11am and will continue on Tuesday from 10:30am.
On Wednesday 29 April the Court will hand down judgment in the following: R (Hemming (/a Simply Pleasure Ltd) & Ors) v Westminster City Council regarding the setting of fees for licensing sex shops in Soho; Olympic Airlines S.A. v The Trustees of the Olympic Airlines S.A. Pension and Life Assurance Scheme regarding a petition to the Court to wind up the respondent company in a second insolvency by the appellant trustees of the staff pension scheme under the EC Insolvency Regulation; University and College Union v The University of Stirling involving the extent of the consultation obligation requiring the respondent to refer to the appellant in relation to proposed dismissals; and R (ClientEarth) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs regarding a judgment by the CJEU on a question from the Supreme Court about the interpretation of the Air Quality Directive 2008/50/EC. These will be handed down in Court 1 from 9.45am.
On Wednesday the Court will also hear the appeal of Hunt v North Somerset Council regarding the respondent Council’s decision to cut its funding to the Youth Services budget for the year 2012/13. The Court must decide whether the Court of Appeal was wrong to decide that the appellant, alleging that the Council had failed to discharge its consultation duties under the Education Act 1996, s 507B, and have due regard to the public sector equality duty, should not receive any relief at all and ordering him to pay the Council’s costs. This will be heard in Court 2 from 10.30am.
On Thursday 30 April the Court will hear the appeal of Anson v Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs regarding whether the appellant’s liability to UK income tax in relation to his membership of a Delaware limited liability company is to be computed by reference to the same profits or income by reference to which the appellant’s US tax liability is computed. It will be heard in Court 2 from 10.30am.
On Monday 27 April 2015 the Privy Council will hand down judgment in Eutetra Bromfield v Vincent Bromfield (Jamaica) and Leymunlall Nandrame & Ors v Lomass Ramsaran (Mauritius). These judgments will not be delivered in Court. On Wednesday 29 April it will hear the appeal of Republic Bank Ltd v Lochan & Anor (Trinidad & Tobago) regarding whether the courts below were wrong to find that the respondents had acquired title to disputed land by adverse possession. This will be heard in Court 3 from 10am. On Thursday 30 April it will hear the appeal of Boufoy-Bastick v The University of the West Indies (Jamaica) concerning whether the appellant has done “ten years continuous service with the University” for the purposes of claiming benefits under the respondent’s superannuation scheme. This will be heard in Court 3 at 10.00am.
The following Supreme Court judgments remain outstanding:
PwC v SAAD Investments Company Ltd (In Liquidation), heard 29-30 April.
International Energy Group Ltd v Zurich Insurance plc, heard 15 and 16 July 2014.
Graughran (AP) v The Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland, heard 16 October 2014.
Anson v The Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, heard 27 October 2014.
JR 38, Re Judicial Review, heard 6 November 2014.
Beghal v DPP, heard 12 November 2014.
Hotak v London Borough of Southwark; Johnson v Solihull; and Kanu v London Borough of Southwark, heard on 15 December 2014.
R (Hemming (/a Simply Pleasure Ltd) & Ors) v Westminster City Council, heard on 13 January 2015.
OPO (by his litigation friend BHM) & Anor v MLA, heard 19-20 January 2015.
University and College Union v The University of Stirling, heard 21 January 2015.
Arnold v Britton & Ors, heard 26 January 2015.
International Energy Group Limited v Zurich Insurance PLC UK Branch, heard 27 January 2015.
Haile v London Borough of Waltham Forest, heard 29 January.
Olympic Airlines S.A. v The Trustees of the Olympic Airlines S.A. Pension and Life Assurance Scheme, heard 2-3 February.
Coventry & Ors v Lawrence & Anor, heard 9-10 & 12 February 2015.
Woolway v Mazars, heard 11 February 2015.
R (Bourgass & Anor) v Secretary of State for Justice, heard 16-17 February 2015.
Shahid v Scottish Ministers (Scotland), heard 18 February 2015.
R (Ali) v Secretary of State for the Home Department and another case, heard 25-26 February 2015.
TN & MA (Afghanistan) (AP) v Secretary of State for the Home Department; AA (Afghanistan) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, heard 2-5 March 2015.
Mirga v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions; Samin v Westminster City Council, heard on 6-7 March 2015.
Pendragon plc & Ors v The Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, heard on 8 March 2015.
R (Lumsdon & Ors) v Legal Services Board, heard 16 March 2015.
R (Cornwall Council) v Secretary of State for Health; R (Cornwall Council) v Somerset County Council, heard 18-19 March 2015.
R v Harvey, heard 24 March 2015.
Starbucks (HK) Ltd & Anor vBritish Sky Broadcasting Group Plc & Ors, heard 25-26 March 2015.
Cameron Mathieson, a deceased child (by his father Craig Mathieson) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, heard 26 March 2015.
Aspect Contracts (Asbestos) Ltd v Higgins Construction Plc, heard 14-15 April 2015.
R (ClientEarth) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, heard 26 April 2015.
BPE Solicitors & Anor v Gabriel, heard 20 Apr 2015.
Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs v The Rank Group PLC, heard 21 Apr 2015.
Keyu & Ors v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs & Anor, heard 22-23 April 2015.