On appeal from: [2016] CSIH 24.

The British Nationality Act 1948 s 4C was intended to allow claims to citizenship by descent from a person whose mother was a citizen of “the United Kingdom and Colonies” at the time of the person’s birth, on the same terms as it provided for citizenship by descent from the father. Furthermore, the condition under s 5(1b) that the person’s birth be registered at a British consulate within a year ought to be treated as inapplicable in applications for citizenship by descent from the mother.

For judgment, please download: [2018] UKSC 6
For Court’s Press Summary, please download: Court’s Press Summary
For a non-PDF version of the judgment, please visit: BAILII

To watch the hearing, please visit: Supreme Court Website (6 Dec 2017 morning session) (6 Dec 2017 afternoon session)