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Joshua Rozenberg has an article in this week’s Law Society Gazette discussing views expressed by various peers about the newly created Supreme Court, and whether the decision to take the UK’s final court of appeal out of parliament could have unintended consequences.
You can also catch him on Top Dogs: Britiain’s Supreme Court, broadcast on Radio 4 on Tues 8 Sep 2009 at 8pm, and repeated the following Sunday.
He also develops this views in the most recent issue of the Times Literary Supplement in an essay entitled “Britain’s New Supreme Court: Why has a fundamental change in the constitution been so little reported and debated?” This is a review of a new book edited by Sir Louis Blom-Cooper, Brice Dickson and Gavin Drewry, The Judicial House of Lords 1876–2009 (OUP, August 2009), a collection of 39 essays about the House of Lords a Judicial institution.