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The legal team for three elderly Kenyans bringing an action for damages against the Foreign Office for the abuse they suffered while imprisoned under British colonial rule in the 1950’s won permission for the claim to proceed. The High Court exercised its discretion in allowing the action despite the limitation period having expired, as the delay could be explained by the fact that even discussing the Mau Mau uprising was banned in Kenya until 2003.
Abu Hamza and four other terrorism suspects lost their last-ditch High Court appeal to avoid extradition to the US. The Queen’s Bench Division determined that Hamza was fit to plead despite his argument that his health was deteriorating. The UK Human Rights blog has a summary of the judgment here. An attempt to thwart the extradition of two of the other suspects failed – a domestic private prosecution brought against them was rejected as an abuse of process.
The Ministry of Justice has published a draft code of practice for dealing with young offenders, which would introduce conditional cautions as an alternative to prosecution. The system is being trialled on 16 and 17 year olds in five pilot areas. Responses to the consultation are welcomed before 1 Nov 2012.
Although the widow of right-to-die campaigner lost in her attempt to become party to the proceedings the appellant in a linked case has been granted leave to appeal. The action aims to change the DPP’s current guidance regarding assisted suicide.