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On Monday 23, Tuesday 24 and Thursday 26 June 2013 the Court will hear the joined appeals of R (ZH & CN) v London Boroughs of Newham and Lewisham and Sims v Dacorum Borough Council on whether temporary accommodation provided under the Housing Act 1996, Part VII constitutes a building occupied under a licence and therefore provides protection from eviction and also whether the local authority must obtain an order before an eviction can be made. This will be heard in court 1 from 11 am on Monday and 10.30 am on Tuesday and Thursday.
Also on Monday, the Court will hear the appeal of Healthcare at Home Ltd v The Common Services Agency regarding invitation to tender processes and whether a reference to the CJEU is necessary to bring clarity to the issue. This will be heard in court 2 from 11 am.
There are no sittings in the Supreme Court on Wednesday 25 June.
On Wednesday 25 June 2014 the Supreme Court will hand down the much anticipated judgment in R (Nicklinson & Anor) v Ministry of Justice and R (AM) v DPP. The Supreme Court were asked whether the current law on assisted suicide is compatible with the appellants’ art 8 rights to respect for private and family life.
In the Privy Council on Tuesday 24 June 2014 is the St Vincent and Grenadines appeal of Baldwin King & Hariette Richardson v Gershon Robertson relating to bona fide purchasers of land and adverse possession. On Wednesday 25 June the Privy Council will hear the Trinidad and Tobagan appeal of Ghany v Attorney General & Anor. On Thursday 26 June the Privy Council will hear the Trinidad and Tobagan appeal of TLM Company Ltd v Bedassie (Administratix of the Estate of Ryan Bedassie, Deceased) & Anor relating to injuries at work and whether compensation is limited to injuries within the scope of the Protective Service (Compensation) Act 1996, Sch 2.
The following Supreme Court judgments remain outstanding:
R (AM) v DPP; R (AM) v DPP; and R (Nicklinson & Anor) v Ministry of Justice, heard 16 – 19 December 2013.
Holt v Her Majesty’s Attorney General on behalf of the Queen, heard 15 – 16 January 2014.
A v SSHD (Scotland), heard 22 – 23 January 2014.
British Telecommunication Plc v Telefonica 02 UK Limited and Ors, heard 3 – 4 February 2014.
McDonald (Deceased) v National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc, heard 12 – 13 February 2014.
Agricultural Sector (Wales) Bill – Reference by the Attorney General for England and Wales, heard 17 – 18 February 2014.
Scott v Southern Pacific Mortgages Ltd & Anor, heard 3 – 5 March 2014.
Robertson v Swift, heard 19 March 2014.
R (Whiston) v Secretary of State for Justice, heard 26 March 2014.
David T Morrison and Co Limited t/a Gael Home Interiors v ICL Plastics Limited & Ors, heard7-9 April.
R (SG & Ors) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions,heard 29-30 April.
PwC v SAAD Investments Company Ltd (In Liquidation), heard 29-30 April.
Singularis Holdings Ltd v PwC, heard 29-30 April.
Telchadder v Wickland Holdings Ltd, heard 1 May.
The Manchester Ship Canal Company Ltd & Anor v United Utilities Water plc, heard 6-8 May 2014.
Coventry & Ors v Lawrence & Ors, heard 12 May 2014.
R (Lord Carlile of Berriew QC & Ors) v SSHD, heard 13 May 2014.
Henderson v Foxworth Investments Ltd & Anor, heard 14-15 May 2014.
R (Robinson) v The Governor of HMP Whatton & Anorand related cases, heard 19-21 May 2014.
R (Sandiford) v The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, heard 4 June 2014.
AIB Group (UK) plc v Mark Redler & Co Solicitors, heard 5 June 2014.
Les Laboratoires Servier & Anor v Apotex Inc & Ors, heard 10 June 2014.
VB v Westminster Magistrates’ Court and related appeals, heard 11 and 12 June 2014.
FHR European Ventures LLP & Ors v Cedar Capital Partners LLC, heard 17-19 June 2014.
R (Moseley) v London Borough of Haringey, heard 19 June 2014.