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In Courtroom 1 from Monday 21 until Wednesday 23 October 2013 are the linked appeals of P (by his litigation friend the Official Solicitor) v Cheshire West and Chester Council, and P & Anor (by their litigation friend, the Official Solicitor) v Surrey County Council. Both matters concern appellants who lack the mental capacity to make decisions about their care. In P, there is no dispute as to whether the appellant’s care plan is in his best interests; the dispute is whether it imposes such restrictions on the appellant as to deprive him of his liberty contrary to ECHR, art 5. In P and Q the Court will clarify how to determine whether there is a deprivation of liberty for the purposes of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
On Wednesday 23 October the Supreme Court will hand down judgment in the following: R v Gul, Szepietowski (Nee Seery) v The Serious Organised Crime Agency, In the matter of “The Alexandros T” (Nos. 1, 2 and 3), and Woodland v Essex County Council.
On Tuesday 22 October in the Privy Council is the appeal of Moss v The Queen, a case from the Bahamas. There are no further case details available for this matter.
The following Supreme Court judgments remain outstanding:
Re an application by Central Craigavon Ltd for Judicial Review, heard 15 May 2013.
Patel & Ors v SSHD, Anwar v SSHD, and Alam v SSHD, heard 3 July 2013.
Bucnys v Ministry of Justice, Lithuania, Sakalis v Ministry of Justice, Lithuania, and Lavrov v Ministry of Justice, Estonia, heard 16 – 17 July 2013.
R (Hodkin & Anor) v Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages, heard 18 July 2013
R (Edwards & Anor) v Environment Agency & Ors, heard 22 July 2013.
Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v James, heard 24 July 2013.
R (Reilly & Anor) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, heard 29 July 2013.
R v Ahmad & Anor, heard 29 July 2013.
Cotter v Commissioner for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, heard 3 October 2013.
G v Scottish Ministers & Anor, heard 7 – 8 October 2013.
In the matter of an application by Martin Corey for Judicial Review, heard 7 October 2013.
Bull & Anor v Hall & Anor, heard 9 – 10 October 2013.
R (HS2 Action Alliance Ltd) v The Secretary of State for Transport & Anor, R (Heathrow Hub Limited & Anor) v The Secretary of State for Transport & Anor, and R (Buckinghamshire County Council & Ors) v The Secretary of State for Transport, heard 15 – 16 October 2013.