Speech by the Lord Chief Justice: Temple Women’s Forum
20 Tuesday Oct 2015
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On the 19 October 2015 the Lord Chief Justice delivered a speech at the Temple Women’s Forum in Leeds on diversity in the judiciary.
He stated that there were 3 keys messages he wished to emphasise in his speech:
“Firstly, our system of justice in England and Wales can and must appoint to the judiciary the best lawyers whatever their race, gender, social background or previous legal career. Such diversity is the hallmark of justice itself;
Secondly, diversity can be achieved more quickly in England and Wales by the vigorous pursuit of a variety of initiatives led by the judiciary but working closely with the leaders of the professions and the Judicial Appointments Commission;
And thirdly the selection process for the judiciary of England and Wales must ensure the best are appointed by operating on an entirely level playing field.”
The full transcript of his speech can be found here.