The House of Lords made orders in a number of cases and the hearing began in the case of Office of Fair Trading (Respondents) v Abbey National plc and others (Appellants)

Monday 22 June 2009

1   JB and others (Petitioners) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Respondent) The petition of JB, GB and BB praying for leave to appeal was presented and referred to an Appeal Committee (lodged 15 June).

2   Mansell Oil Limited and others (Respondents) v Troon Storage Tankers SA (Petitioners) The petition of Troon Storage Tankers SA praying for leave to appeal was presented and referred to an Appeal Committee (lodged 18 June).

3   In re B (a child) (2009) (FC) The petition of GB praying for leave to appeal was presented and referred to an Appeal Committee. The petitioner’s certificate of public funding was lodged.

4   Vodafone 2 (Petitioners) v Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (Respondents) The petition of Vodafone 2 praying for leave to appeal was presented and referred to an Appeal Committee (lodged 19 June).

5   Baker (Respondent) v Quantum Clothing Group Limited (Petitioners) and others The petition of Quantum Clothing Group Limited praying for leave to appeal was presented and referred to an Appeal Committee.

6   Baker (Respondent) v Quantum Clothing Group Limited and others and others (Petitioners) The petition of Pretty Polly Limited praying for leave to appeal was presented and referred to an Appeal Committee.

7   Baker (Respondent) v Quantum Clothing Group Limited and others (Petitioners) and others The petition of Meridian Limited praying for leave to appeal was presented and referred to an Appeal Committee.

8   Tomlinson and others (FC) (Appellants) v Birmingham City Council (Respondents) It was ordered that the time for lodging the statement and appendix and setting down the cause for hearing be extended until one month after the final decision of the Legal Services Commission on further funding.

9   HB (FC) (Ethiopia) (Appellant) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Respondent) It was ordered that the appeal be withdrawn.

Tuesday 23 June at 10.30am
In Committee Room No 4A

Hearing by the Appellate Committee in the following cause:

Office of Fair Trading (Respondents) v Abbey National plc and others
