Continuing her role as a promoter of the openness and transparency of the Supreme Court, Jenny Rowe, the Chief Executive of the Supreme Court, began 2010 by writing a piece, published in The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel, reflecting on the role and position of the new Supreme Court.  She writes:

 “The potential for engagement with the next generation of lawyers, students, teachers, tourists and members of the public is huge. From a historic moment of constitutional reform has come exciting new opportunities for increasing people’s awareness and understanding of justice in the United kingdom at its highest level.”
Ms Rowe also reflects on the constitutional changes that the Supreme Court has heralded. She observes that some legal commentators have suggested that in time the Supreme Court will assume a role similar to that of the Supreme Court in the United States. This, Ms Rowe, is quick to point out will not happen due to the crucial difference that the US Supreme Court is able to effectively strike down Acts of the Federal Parliament. In contrast, the UK Supreme Court can only interpret and clarify the law rather than make law.
Since her appointment as Chief Executive, Ms Rowe has given speeches about the Supreme Court to The Law Society and the Legal Week Litigation Forum and she has also given a detailed interview to Mike Semple Pigott.
But still no word on Justice number 12…..