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Lord Reed appointed next President of Supreme Court, alongside three new justices
Hearings in the Supreme Court are now shown live on the Court’s website.
On Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 July, the Supreme Court will hear the appeal of R (Hemmati & Ors) v Secretary of State for the Home Department. This appeal will consider whether the Secretary of State’s published policy in the Enforcement Instructions and Guidance, Ch 55, satisfied the requirements of the Dublin III Regulation, arts 2(n) and 28. If not, it will also consider whetehr damages are payable in respect of the detention of the respondents either for the tort of false imprisonment or pursuant to EU law under the principle established by the CJEU in the Factortame case. This will be heard in Courtroom 2.
On Tuesday 30 and Wednesday 31 July, the Supreme Court will hear the appeal of Elgizouli v Secretary of State for the Home Department. This appeal will consider whether it is unlawful for the Secretary of State to exercise his power to provide mutual legal assistance so as to provide evidence to a foreign state that will facilitate the imposition of the death penalty in that state on the individual in respect of whom the evidence is sought. It will also consider whether (and if so in what circumstances) it is lawful under the Data Protection Act 2018, Pt 3, as interpreted in light of relevant provisions of EU data protection law, for enforcement authorities in the UK to transfer personal data to law enforcement authorities abroad for use in capital criminal proceedings. This will be heard in Courtroom 1.
On Wednesday 31 July the Supreme Court will hand down judgment in Cape Intermediate Ltd v Dring (for and on behalf of Asbestos Victims Support Groups Forum UK. The proposed panel for hand down is Lady Hale, Lord Hodge and Lord Sales. This appeal considered what the powers of the court are pursuant to the CPRs or its inherent jurisdiction to permit access to documents used in litigation to which the applicant was not a party.
On Wednesday 31 July the Supreme Court will hand down judgment in Commissioners for HMRC v Frank A Smart & Sons Ltd (Scotland). The proposed panel for hand down is Lady Hale, Lord Hodge and Lord Sales. This appeal considered whether the Respondent taxpayer is entitled to deduct the VAT it paid on the acquisitions of single farm payment entitlement.
On Wednesday 31 July the Supreme Court will hand down judgment in Akcil & Ors v Koza & Anor. The proposed panel for hand down is Lady Hale, Lord Hodge and Lord Sales. This appeal considered whether the Recast Regulation (Regulation (EU) No. 1215/2012), art 24(2) confers exclusive jurisdiction on the English courts to determine the authority in England of directors appointed in foreign proceedings to the board of a foreign corporate shareholder of a company registered in England to cause or permit the foreign corporate shareholder to do anything as a shareholder of the English company.
A full list of the cases scheduled for the Trinity term can be found here.
The following Supreme Court judgments remain outstanding:
Keefe (by his litigation friend Eyton) v Hoteles Pinero Canarias SL, heard 7 Mar 2017.
Arcadia Petroleum Ltd & Ors v Bosworth & Anor, heard 10-11 Apr 2017.
In the matter of D (a child), heard 3-4 Oct 2018.
Vedanta Resources Plc & Anor v Lungowe & Ors, heard 15-16 Jan 2019.
Shanks v Unilever Plc & Ors, heard 6-7 Feb 2019.
Cape Intermediate Ltd v Dring (for and on behalf of Asbestos Victims Support Groups Forum UK), heard 18-19 Feb 2019.
Commissioners for HMRC v Frank A Smart & Sons Ltd (Scotland), heard 6 Mar 2019.
Akcil & Ors v Koza & Anor, heard 19 Mar 2019.
MacDonald & Anor v Carnbroe Estates Ltd (Scotland), heard 2 May 2019.
Patel v Secretary of State for the Home Department; Secretary of State for the Home Department v Shah, heard 7 May 2019.
Sevilleja v Marex Financial Ltd, heard 8 May 2019.
Sequent Nominees Ltd v Hautford Ltd, heard 14 May 2019.
Gilham v Ministry of Justice, heard 5-6 Jun 2019.
Travelers Insurance Company Ltd v XYZ, heard 11 Jun 2019.
Royal Mail Group Ltd v Jhuti, heard 12-13 Jun 2019.
Micula & Ors v Romania, heard 18-20 Jun 2019.
Test Claimants in the Franked Investment Income Group Litigation & Ors v Commissioners of Inland Revenue, heard 27 Jun 2019.
RR v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, heard 3 Jul 2019.
The Manchester Ship Canal Company Ltd v Vauxhall Motors Ltd, heard 9-10 Jul 2019.
R (Lancashire County Council) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, heard 15-16 Jul 2019.
In the matter of NY (A child), heard 18 Jul 2019.
R (Wright) v Resilient Energy Severndale Ltd & Anor, heard 22-23 Jul 2019.
Singularis Holdings Ltd (In official liquidation) v Daiwa Capital Markets Europe Ltd, heard 23-24 Jul 2019.
Edwards on behalf of the late Arthur Watkins v Hugh James Ford Simey Solicitors, heard 25 Jul 2019.