In the Supreme Court W/C 16 November 2020
16 Monday Nov 2020
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Hearings in the Supreme Court are now shown live on the Court’s website.
On Monday 16, Tuesday 17, Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 November the Supreme Court will hear eight combined appeals. These are appeals against the orders of the Butcher J and Flaux LJ concerning the construction of certain provisions in insurance policies written by the Appellant Insurers, and obtained by a range of businesses and organisations, which purport to provide coverage in the event of business interruption. The Divisional Court considered the construction of each policy wording and the FCA, the Appellant Insurers and the Hiscox Interveners appeal on a number of points
On Monday 16 November, the Supreme Court will also hear the appeal of Robinson (Jamaica) v Secretary of State for Home Department. The appeal will consider whether the Court of Justice of the European Union’s admonition that a non-EU citizen who is the primary carer for an EU citizen child may only be deported in “exceptional circumstances” is a summary of the conditions that must be met to justify deportation, or an additional threshold.
On Friday 20 November, the Supreme Court will hand down judgment in Test Claimants in the Franked Investment Income Group Litigation and others (Respondents) v Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (Appellant) (1) and Test Claimants in the Franked Investment Income Group Litigation and others (Respondents) v Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (Appellant) (2). The proposed panel for hand down is Lord Reed, Lord Hodge, Lord Carnwath, Lord Lloyd-Jones, Lord Briggs, Lord Sales, and Lord Hamblen. The appeal primarily considered two issues. First, the compatibility of United Kingdom corporate taxation with certain principles of EU law and the liabilities of the Revenue to a taxpayer who has overpaid tax on the basis of incompatible United Kingdom legislation. Second, issues arising out of the case of Prudential Assurance Company Limited v Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs [2018] UKSC 39.
The following Supreme Court judgments remain outstanding:
Keefe (by his litigation friend Eyton) v Hoteles Pinero Canarias SL, heard 7 Mar 2017
Arcadia Petroleum Ltd & Ors v Bosworth & Anor, heard 10-11 Apr 2017
Mastercard Incorporated & Ors v Walter Hugh Merricks CBE, heard 13 and 14 May 2019
In the matter of an application by Anthony McIntyre for Judicial Review (Northern Ireland), heard 24 October 2019
Halliburton Company v Chubb Bermuda Insurance Ltd (Formerly known as Ace Bermuda Insurance Ltd), heard 12-13 November 2019
ABC (AP) v Principal Reporter & Anor (Scotland), heard 13- 14 November 2019
In the matter of XY (AP) (Scotland), heard 13- 14 November 2019
R v Hilton (Northern Ireland), heard 2 December 2019
MacDonald & Anor v Cambroe Estates Ltd (Scotland), heard 4 December 2019
The Law Debenture Trust Corporation plc v Ukraine (Represented by the Minister of Finance of Ukraine acting upon the instructions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine) Nos. 2 and 3, heard 9-12 December 2019
R V C, heard 27 January 2020
Royal Mencap Society v Tomlinson-Blake, heard 12- 13 February 2020
Shannon v Rampersad & Anor (T/A Clifton House Residential Home), heard 12-13 February 2020
Test Claimants in the Franked Investment Income Group Litigation & Ors v Commissioners of Inland Revenue (1) and (2), heard 18- 20 February 2020
Okpabi & Ors v Royal Dutch Shell Plc & Anor, heard 23 June 2020
Asda Stores Ltd v Brierly & Ors, heard 13-14 June 2020
R (Gourlay) v Parole Board, heard 16 July 2020
Uber BV & Ors v Aslam & Ors, heard 21-22 July 2020
Takhar v Gracefield Developments Ltd & Ors, heard 23 July 2020
Allykhan v Abdool (Mauritius), heard 23 July 2020
Evergreen Marine (UK) Ltd v Nautical Challenge Ltd, heard 5-6 October 2020
R (on the application of Friends of the Earth Ltd and others) v Heathrow Airport Ltd, heard 7-8 October 2020
R (on the application of KBR, Inc) v Director of the Serious Fraud Office, heard 13 October 2020
Manchester Building Society (Appellant) v Grant Thornton UK LLP (Respondent), heard 13-14 October 2020
SC, CB and 8 children (Appellants) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and others (Respondents), heard 20-22 October 2020
Pakistan International Airline Corporation v Times Travel (UK) Ltd, heard 2-3 November 2020
Khan v Meadows, heard 5 November 2020
A and B v Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority and Anor, heard 11 November 2020
Triple Point Technology Inc v PTT Public Company Ltd, heard 12 November 2020
Robinson (Jamaica) v Secretary of State for Home Department, heard 16 November 2020
Arch Insurance (UK) Ltd (Appellant) v Financial Conduct Authority and others (Respondents), heard 16, 17, 18 and 19 November 2020.
Zina said:
20/11/2020 at 21:15
Hello, is there any way I can follow the encro chat Supreme court case please?
CMS said:
24/11/2020 at 17:52
Hi Zina, are you able to clarify which case you are referring to? Best wishes, The UKSC Blog team