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The Supreme Court is, again, hearing only one appeal this next week, in the case of Ofcom v Information Commissioner, on 17 November. Our preview of the case is to be found here.
Two judgments will be given on 19 November 2009. First, in the case of Louca v A German Judicial Authority which was heard by the House of Lords on 29 July 2009, Second in the case of Re B (a Child) which was heard by the Supreme Court on 14 October 2009. Our case preview can be found here. The fact that the appeal was successful was announced at the end of the hearing and the Court is now giving its reasons.
Once again, no permission decisions have been publicly announced over the last week.
There is one hearing in the JCPC next week, in the case of Mossel Jamaica v Office of Utilities Regulation – which (according to the list) is due to be heard on 17 and 19 November. We have no information about this case which, despite the fact that it is being heard next week, makes no appearance on the JCPC Website list of “Current Cases”. We would be grateful to receive any information about it so that we can share it with our readers.
In addition, the JCPC will be giving judgment in the case of Save Guana Cay Reef Association Limited v. The Queen. This is an appeal from the Court of Appeal of the Bahamas. The appeal concerned an application for judicial review of a decision to approve a development at Guana Cay in the Bahamaswhich was dismissed by the judge whose judgment was upheld by the Court of Appeal. The website of the “Save Guana Cay Reef Association” can be found here.