In the Supreme Court w/c 15 January 2018
15 Monday Jan 2018
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Hearings in the Supreme Court are now shown live on the Court’s website.
On Monday 15 until Wednesday 17 January, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council will hear the application for Permission for Leave to Appeal (with Appeal to follow if granted) of A v R (Guernsey). This appeal will consider whether the Court of Senseschal of Sark is a creature of statute such that it lacks jurisdiction to make interim and final awards of child maintenance. It will also consider, if the Court does have this jurisdiction, whether German Law is the proper law governing a claim for child maintenance and whether the laws governing such a claim are inadequately accessible and insufficiently precise to have the quality of law within the meaning of the ECHR, Protocol 1, art 1. This will be heard in Courtroom 2.
On Monday 15 January, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council will hear the appeal of The State of Mauritius v The (Mauritius) CT Power Ltd & Ors. This appeal will consider whether the Appellants have impermissible changed their grounds of appeal from those in the application for leave to appeal and, if so, whether they should be permitted to advance any new grounds of appeal. It will also consider whether various government decisions were properly the subject of applications for judicial review made against the Appellants in each appeal, whether the Appellants in each appeal were incorrectly made parties to the application for judicial review, and whether the decisions under review in each case were misconceived, unreasonable, irrational, and in breach of the First Respondent’s legitimate expectation. The appeal will also consider whether the various findings were supported by the evidence, whether the Supreme Court of Mauritius was wrong to permit the First Respondent to amend its original applications in order to seek declaratory relief, and whether, in 2017/0023, the Supreme Court should have found that the Ministry of Energy could not have signed the Implementation Agreement without the approval of the Ministry of Finance. This will be heard in Courtroom 3.
On Tuesday 16 January, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council will hear the appeal of Chandler v The State (Trinidad and Tobago). This appeal will consider whether fresh evidence of the Appellant’s mental illness should be admitted, and casts doubt on the safety of his conviction and appropriateness of the death sentence. This will be heard in Courtroom 3.
On Thursday 17 January, the Supreme Court will hear the appeal of R (Stott) v Secretary of State for Justice. The appeal will consider whether, but for the House of Lords decision in R (Clift) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2007] 1 AC 484, the statutory provisions on release of extended determinate sentence prisoners are discriminatory and incompatible with ECHR, art 14. This will be heard in Courtroom 2.
On Thursday 17 January, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council will hear the appeal of Julien & Ors v Evolving Tecknologies and Enterprise Development (Trinidad and Tobago). This appeal will consider how the Limitation of Certain Actions Act, ss 14(1) and (2) work when a company alleges against all its former directors that they deliberately committed a breach of duty against it, but at the time the breach of duty was nonetheless known to or likely soon to be discovered by the sole shareholder. This will be heard in Courtroom 3.
A full list of the cases scheduled for the Hilary term can be found here.
The following Supreme Court judgments remain outstanding:
Keefe (by his litigation friend Eyton) v Hoteles Pinero Canarias SL, heard 7 Mar 2017.
Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis v DSD & Anor, heard 13-14 Mar 2017.
SM (Algeria) v Entry Clearance Officer UK Visa Section, heard 23 Mar 2017 and further, 29 Nov 2017.
Arcadia Petroleum Ltd & Ors v Bosworth & Anor, heard 10-11 Apr 2017.
Four Seasons Holdings Incorporated v Brownlie, heard 9-10 May 2017.
R (Bancoult No 3) v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, heard 28-29 Jun 2017.
Robinson v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police, heard 12 Jul 2017.
In the matter of C (Children), heard 9-10 Oct 2017.
Morris-Garner v One Step (Support) Ltd, heard 11-12 Oct 2017.
In the matter of an application by Kevin Maguire for Judicial Review, heard 19 Oct 2017.
Reference by the Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland pursuant to Paragraph 33 of Schedule 10 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Abortion), heard 24-26 Oct 2017.
R (Black) v Secretary of State for Justice, heard 31 Oct-1 Nov 2017.
Steel & Anor v NRAM PLC (Scotland), heard 7 Nov 2017.
Haralambous v Hertfordshire Constabulary, heard 8 Nov 2017.
Immigration – SIAC – bail. R (B) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, heard 14-15 Nov 2017.
Newcastle upon Tyne Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v Haywood, heard 20 Nov 2017.
R (AR) v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police & Anor, heard 21 Nov 2017.
Barton v Wright Hassall LLP, heard 22 Nov 2017.
R v McCool (Northern Ireland); R v Harkin (Northern Ireland), heard 23 Nov 2017.
Dryden & Ors v Johnson Matthey Plc, heard 27-28 Nov 2017.
R (Gibson) v Secretary of State for Justice, heard 5 Dec 2017.
The Advocate General for Scotland v Romein (Scotland), heard 6 Dec 2017.
Burnden Holdings (UK) Ltd v Fielding & Anor, heard 7 Dec 2017.
A v B & Anor, heard 12 Dec 2017.
R (Mott) v Environment Agency, heard 13 Dec 2017.
HM Inspector of Health & Safety v Chevron North Sea Ltd (Scotland), heard 14 Dec 2017.