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There is only one appeal listed in the Supreme Court this week with the three day hearing of Brent London Borough Council & Others (Harrow London Borough Council) v Risk Management Partners Ltd concluding on Monday 13 December 2010. The hearing commenced on Wednesday 8 December before Lords Hope, Rodger, Walker and Brown and Sir John Dyson SCJ. The issues are firstly whether the Councils acted ultra vires in establishing and capitalising a mutual insurance business in collaboration with a group of other local authorities for the purpose of reducing the expense of procuring insurance coverage and secondly, whether the EU law Teckal exemption functions to exclude an association of local authorities cooperating in order to provide themselves with insurance coverage from the application of the obligation imposed under the EU Procurement Directive to send a contract for the provision of such services out for competitive private sector tender. The Supreme Court details are here.
The Supreme Court has announced that it will hand down judgment on the following cases on Wednesday 15 December 2010:
Principal Reporter v K and others (Appellants) (Scotland), which was heard 20-21 October 2010. The Supreme Court case details are here.
R (on the application of Edwards) v Environment Agency and others, which was heard 11 November 2010. Here is a link to the 2008 Opinion of the House of Lords and the Supreme Court case details are here.
Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs v DCC Holdings (UK) Limited, heard 2-4 November 2010. The Supreme Court case details are here.
The Privy Council has a busy week ahead with three cases listed. In Courtroom 3 a breach of trust case from the Court of Appeal of Guernsey, Spread Trustee Company Limited v Sarah Ann Hutcheson & Others will be heard by Lady Hale, Lords Mance, Kerr and Clarke and Sir Robin Auld from Monday 13 to Tuesday 14 December. Here are the Privy Council case details.
Also in Courtroom 3 Lady Hale, Lords Mance and Kerr, Sir John Dyson SCJ and Sir Anthony Hughes will hear Dennis Alma Robinson v The Queen over two days from Wednesday 15 to Thursday 16 December 2010. The case details of this murder case from the Court of Appeal of Bermuda are here.
Meanwhile, in Courtroom Two of the Privy Council Bahamas Hotel Maintenance and Allied Workers Union v Bahamas Hotel Catering and Allied Workers Union and others is listed to be heard by Lords Hope, Rodger, Walker, Brown and Clarke over Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 December 2010. This judicial review case is an appeal from the Court of Appeal of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and the case details from the Privy Council are here.
Four judgments have been announced for hand down in the Privy Council on Monday 13 December:
Francis Paponette LLP & Others v The Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago, heard 1-2 November 2010
The Palms Resort Limited v. P.P.C. Limited, heard 13 October 2010
National Transport Authority v Mauritius Secondary Industry Limited, heard 25 October 2010
Culross Global SPC Limited v Strategic Turnaround Master Partnership Limited (Cayman Islands), heard 3-4 November 2010
Judgments outstanding
The following Supreme Court judgments remain outstanding:
R (SK) (Zimbabwe) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, heard 10-11 Feb 2010
Global Process Systems Inc and another v Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad, heard 28 July 2010
Sienkiewicz (Administratrix of the Estate of Enid Costello deceased) v Greif (UK) Limited and Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council) v Willmore, heard 26-28 October 2010
Coke-Wallis v Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, heard 8-9 November 2010
Morge v Hampshire County Council, heard 8 November 2010
ZH (Tanzania) (FC) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, heard 9-10 November 2010
JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A. and another v Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) Anstalt des Oeffentlichen Rechts, heard 11 November 2010
WL Congo 1 and 2 & anr v Secretary of State for the Home Department and KM (Jamaica) v Secretary of State for the Home Department, heard 15-18 November 2010
Baker v Quantum Clothing Group Limited & Ors; Baker v Quantum Clothing Group Limited & Ors (Pretty Polly Limited); and Baker v Quantum Clothing Group Limited & Ors (Meridian Limited), heard 22-24 November 2010
Mayor & Burgesses of the London Borough of Hounslow v Powell; Leeds City Council v Hall; and Birmingham City Council v Frisby, heard 23-24 November 2010
Patmalniece (FC) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, heard 29 November – 1 December 2010
Yemshaw v London Borough of Hounslow, heard 2 December 2010
R v F and R v M , heard 6 December 2010
The following Privy Council judgments are awaited:
Romeo Cannonier & Ors v The Queen (St Christopher & Nevis) and Romeo Cannonier v The Queen (St Christopher & Nevis), heard 13 May 2010
The Public Service Appeal Board v Omar Maraj (Trinidad & Tobago), heard 5 October 2010
Tabeel Lewis v The State of Trinidad & Tobago, heard 11 October 2010
Charles Villeneuve & Anr v Joel Gaillard & Anr (Bahamas), heard 20-21 October 2010
Steven Kent Jervis & Another v Victor John Skinner (Bahamas), heard 27-28 October 2010
AK Investment CJSC v Kyrgyz Mobil Tel Limited and Others; Altimo Holdings and Investments Limited v Kyrgyz Mobil Tel Limited and Others; CP Credit Prive SA v Kyrgyz Mobil Tel Limited and Others; and Fellowes International Holdings Limited v Kyrgyz Mobil Tel Limited and Others, heard 30 November-7 December 2010.