Changes to the Supreme Court’s Practice Directions
17 Tuesday Dec 2013
Sarah Speller, Olswang LLP News Articles
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Last month the Supreme Court announced a number of changes to its Practice Directions. The changes include:
- a new paragraph detailing the Supreme Court Registry’s practice of deferring payment of the court fee where an appellant’s solicitor is acting under a conditional fee agreement which imposes liability for court fees on the appellant personally;
- amendments to the procedure under which the Supreme Court can refer a question raised before it for a preliminary ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union (again, these reflect changes made to the Civil Procedure Rules); and
- substantial revisions to Practice Direction 13 on costs to reflect changes to the costs rules in the Civil Procedure Rules (used in the High Court and Court of Appeal) which came into effect on 1 April 2013. In particular, the revisions make it clear that the Supreme Court may make orders limiting the costs of appeal proceedings before it and that applications for such orders must be made as soon as practicable.
See the Supreme Court website here for further details of these changes.